Sunday, February 14, 2010

Broken Dream

Driving back from work, driving slowly in a not so heavy traffic . . my eyes catch something which i thought funny on the back screen of the car in front of me.

At first, I was thinking . . . why the driver of that car, stick a sticker "broken dream" and another sticker of a "smiling smiley" beneath it. What a combination . . . your dream broken to pieces and yet you smile!!

Another thought come to me . . . I should envy the driver or whoever stick that sticker on the car's back screen. Why? Because, he is a person who will always raisingup whenever he fall down. What ever happened in his life he deals with it beautifully.

Ehmmm . . . can I do that? Yes, I can! I have a choice to be happy with life even there is always a broken dream . . . everyone has a broke dream right? Smile . . . . because we do not know what is tomorrow will be . . . anyway, smiling people, they always look younger . . . don't believe? Try it . . .


Unknown said...

calling chemp from seroja

chemp said...

thanks seroja

chemp said...

where re you? hope everything will be better soon.